Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Statistical abstract of Maharashtra State. |
Govt. of Maharashtra, Directorate of Economics and Statistics |
Statistical abstract of North Carolina counties. |
State Data Center, Management and Information Services, Office of State Budget and Management |
Statistical abstract of North Dakota / prepared by Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of North Dakota, in cooperation with the North Dakota Office of Intergovernmental Assistance. |
University of North Dakota Press |
0734-8207 |
Statistical abstract of Oklahoma. |
Bureau for Business and Economic Research, College of Business Administration, University of Oklahoma |
0191-0310 |
Statistical abstract of the British Virgin Islands. |
Statistical Division, Planning Unit, Chief Minister's Office |
Statistical abstract of the Cayman Islands. |
Govt. Statistics Unit, Dept. of Finance & Development |
Statistical abstract of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. |
Dept. of Census and Statistics, Ministry of Plan Implementation |
Statistical abstract of Utah. |
Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Graduate School of Business, University of Utah |
0898-3879 |
Statistical abstract of Utah. |
Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business, University of Utah |
0095-6961 |
Statistical abstract of Venezuela. |
Republic of Venezuela, Presidency of the Republic, Central Office of Statistics and Informatics |
Statistical abstract, Guam. |
Economic Research Center |
Statistical abstract. |
Stationery Office |
0790-8970 |
Statistical abstract. |
Statistical abstract. |
Central Statistics Office |
0524-1464 |
Statistical abstract. |
Statistical Institute of Jamaica |
Statistical abstracts on health and welfare in Japan. |
Statistics and Information Dept., Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Health and Welfare |
Statistical abstracts, federal employee benefit programs. |
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Retirement and Insurance Service |
Statistical annual / Chicago Board of Trade. |
The Board |
0163-5409 |
Statistical annual report (Virginia Dept. of Health). |
0098-1036 |
Statistical annual report of the Virginia State Department of Health. |
State Dept. of Health |