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44689 results for yearArchived: 2018 - page 292 of 2235
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Art and industry. Studio Publications
Art and progress American Federation of Arts 2151-2531
Art Center annual of California painting and sculpture. Art Center in La Jolla
Art education. National Art Education Association 0004-3125
Art education. The J.C. Witter Company
Art in advertising. Art in Advertising Co.
Art in America. Art in America, Inc. 0736-7619
Art in print. 2330-5606
Art issues. Art Issues 1046-8471
Art now gallery guide. Art Now 1059-7689
Art now gallery guide. Art Now, Inc. 0745-5720
Art papers magazine. Atlanta Art Papers, Inc. 1524-9581
Art papers. Atlanta Art Papers, Inc. 0278-1441
Art reference services quarterly : ARSQ. Haworth Press 1050-2548
Art therapy : journal of the American Art Therapy Association. The Association 0742-1656
Art voices from around the world. Art Voices Pub. Corp 0741-2797
Art world Kalon 2151-2752
Art year : Hopefulmonster editore
Art/world = [publisher not identified]
Artasia. Asian Regional Secretariat of AICA (International Association of Art Critics, Paris) [etc.] 0571-1746
44689 results for yearArchived: 2018 - page 292 of 2235