Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Best's illustrations of net costs, cash values, premium rates, policy conditions of most legal reserve life insurance companies operating in the United States. |
A.M. Best |
Best's insurance reports, property-casualty. |
A. M. Best Co. |
0148-3218 |
Best's insurance reports. |
A.M. Best Co. |
Best's insurance reports. |
A.M. Best Co. |
1075-8690 |
Best's insurance reports. |
A.M. Best Co. |
1096-6803 |
Best's life insurance reports upon legal reserve companies, fraternal benefit societies and assessment associations operating in the United States. |
A.M. Best Co. |
Best. |
[Newsdigest Publications] |
Besterfahrungen, Neuerungen, Empfehlungen für die Land- und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft. |
Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Institut für Landwirtschaftlich Information und Dokumentation Berlin |
0232-8771 |
Beszélő. |
AB-Független Kiadó |
0865-4093 |
Beta of California : |
Stanford University Press |
Betalingsbalancer: |
[Statistical Office of the European Communities] |
Betalingsbalancer: |
[De europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor] |
Bethlehem, PA Polk city directory. |
R.L. Polk |
Betriebswirtschaftliche Ergebnisse von 222 landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben über 30 ha. |
Better building report. |
0553-5689 |
Better Buymanship. |
Better ceramics through chemistry. |
Materials Research Society |
1064-8666 |
Better food : |
Whitney Publications |
Better fruit, better vegetables. |
Better Fruit Publishing Co. |
0006-0135 |
Better homes and centers. |
Michigan Dept. of Social Services, Bureau of Regulatory Services |