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44689 results for yearArchived: 2018 - page 90 of 2235
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Analyst's handbook. Standard & Poor's Corp 0884-6936
Analytica chimica acta. Elsevier Pub. Co. 0003-2670
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. Springer-Verlag 1618-2642
Analytical chemistry. American Chemical Society 0003-2700
Analytical letters. M. Dekker 0003-2719
Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients. Academic Press 1075-6280
Analytical profiles of drug substances. Academic Press 0099-5428
Analytical report on the ... urban employment unemployment survey. Central Statistical Agency
Analytiske tabeller vedr. udenrigshandel =
Analytiske tabeller vedr. [i.e. vedrørende] udenrigshandel (CST). [De europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor]
Analytiske tabeller vedrørende udenrigshandel (NIMEXE) = De Europaeiske Faellesskabers Statistiske Kontor
Analytiske tabeller vedrørende udenrigshandel, NIMEXE. Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes
Analytiske tabeller vedrørende udenrigshandel, NIMEXE. Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes
Analytiske tabeller vedrørende udenrigshandel, SITC/CTCI, rev. 2 = Europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor
Anaquel de estudios árabes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filologia, Departamento de Estudios Arabes e Islámicos. Editorial de la Universidad Complutense 1130-3964
Anarchy. Anarchy Magazine, etc 0003-2751
ANARE reports / Antarctic Division, Department of Science and Technology, Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions. Australian Government Publishing Service 1038-2135
Anarisuto gaido = Daiwa Shōken Chōsabu
Anatheōrēthentes geōrgikoi deiktes timōn / Hellēnikē Dēmokratia, Ethnikē Statistikē Hypēresia tēs Hellados = Revised agricultural price indices / Hellenic Republic, National Statistical Service of Greece. Hē Hypēresia 1109-4079
Anatolia. Anadolu. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi 0570-0116
44689 results for yearArchived: 2018 - page 90 of 2235