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32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1401 of 1635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Tax levy authorizations and limitations for cities, villages, towns, school districts and counties in Minnesota. Prepared and published by the Dept. of Public Examiner, State of Minnesota
Tax levy authorizations and limitations for cities, villages, towns, school districts, other districts and counties in Minnesota. [Minnesota. State Auditor] 0094-4343
Tax overlapping in the United States.
Tax policy research study. U.S. Treasury Dept 0496-9774
Tax reforms in EU member states ... : tax policy challenges for economic growth and fiscal sustainability Publications Office of the European Union
Tax statistics on individuals ... edition (interim statistics - universe data) = Revenue Canada
Tax statistics on individuals = Statistiques sur l'impôt des particuliers. Revenue Canada = Revenu Canada 1209-1103
Taxable sales in California (sales and use tax) / State Board of Equalization
Taxation for accountants. RIA Group, etc 0040-0165
Taxing wages = Les impôts sur les salaires Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1608-1102
Taxon. International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature 0040-0262
Taxpayer information publications / Dept. of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service
Tayarut / ha-Lishkah 0333-6204
Tätigkeitsbericht / Die Commission
Tätigkeitsbericht. Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen
Tạp chí toán học Viện khoa học Việt Nam, Hội Toán học Việt Nam 8667179
Tạp chí văn học / Viện văn học. Viện văn học 0494-6928
Tạp chí văn thư lưu trữ Việt Nam. Cục văn thư và lưu trữ nhà nước
TB & HIV. SidAlerte internationale ; AIDS-SidAlerte International 1157-5042
32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1401 of 1635