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32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1415 of 1635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Textes et traductions d'auteurs orientaux. 1110-001X
Textes pour nos élèves. Association Phonétique Internationale
Textile chemist and colorist. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 0040-490X
Textile products industries / Statistics Canada, Manufacturing and Primary Industries Division, Foods, Beverages, Textiles and Miscellaneous Industries Section = Industrie de produits textiles / Statistique Canada, Division des industries manufacturières et primaires, Section des aliments, des boissons, des textiles et des industries diverses. Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada 0319-891X
Textiles suisses intérieur Office suisse d'expansion commerciale
Texto crítico / Centro de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias. El Centro 0185-0830
Textos medievales. Anubar; 0563-3311
Texts adopted by the European Parliament. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 0256-9108
Texts and studies in the history of mediaeval education. The Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame 0082-3732
Texts and studies. Press of the Jewish Publication Society
Textures. English Dept. of the University of the Orange Free State 1562-0697
Textus et documenta in usum exercitationum et praelectionum academicarum. Apud aedes Pont. Universitatis Gregorianae
Técnica pecuaria en México. Secretaria de Agrícultura y Ganadería, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuarias 0040-1889
Témoins de l'Espagne. Klincksieck
Těsnopisecké zprávy o schůzích poslanecké sněmovny Národního shromáždění Republiky Československé.
Thai culture. Fine Arts Dept 0563-3419
Thai science bulletin. Dept. of Science, Ministry of Industry
Thailand culture series. National Cultural Institute
Thailand illustrated. Govt. Public Relations Dept., Thanon Ratchadamnoen Klang 0125-0159
Thailand in figures. National Statistical Office, Office of the Prime Minister
32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1415 of 1635