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32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1422 of 1635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The American midland naturalist. University of Notre Dame 0003-0031
The American monthly. American Monthly Corp. [etc.]
The American Music Research Center journal. American Music Research Center, College of Music, University of Colorado at Boulder 1058-3572
The American music teacher. Music Teachers' National Association 0003-0112
The American nautical almanac for the year ... Bureau of Navigation :
The American nurse. American Nurses' Association 0098-1486
The American perfumer and essential oil review The Perfumer Publishing Company 960888
The American perfumer and essential oil review. Moore Pub. Co., etc 0161-9977
The American perfumer. Robbins Pub. Co., etc 0096-087X
The American physics teacher. Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics 0096-0322
The American poetry review. World Poetry, inc 0360-3709
The American polled shorthorn herd book, The Association
The American produce review. Urner-Barry Co.
The American record guide. The American Record Guide
The American recorder. American Recorder Society 0003-0724
The American register, or general repository of history, politics and science C. & A. Conrad 0735-6153
The American review. Bologna Center 0517-4724
The American scholar. United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa [etc.] 0003-0937
The American scrap book : the year's golden harvest of thought and achievement Wm. H. Wise & Co
The American shorthand teacher Johnson Reprint Corp
32682 results for yearArchived: 2019 - page 1422 of 1635