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31137 results for yearArchived: 2020 - page 10 of 1557
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A study of the jurisdiction of Wisconsin Courts, the compensation of judges and sources of compensation. [s.n.]
A Summary of events of Jewish interest. Dept. of Information and Statistics of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research
A Summary of mineral industry activity in Colorado / The Bureau
A Summary report on involuntary detentions in state and local mental health programs. State of California, Dept. of Mental Health, Reports and Data Retrieval Section
A Survey of recent developments in nine captive countries / Assembly of Captive European Nations. ACEN Secretariat 0571-4834
A Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. Published for the Society for General Microbiology at the University Press 0081-1394
A Szent István Akadémia értesitője. Kiaja a Szent István Akadémia 0201-2154
A Translation of Doklady. American Institute of Biological Sciences 0886-7534
A travers librairie; Bibliographie de la France
A Tripa virada. Na Oficina da Horrorosa Conspirção
A vida. Icone Editora
A volume of technical papers presented at Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
A Wake newslitter.
A World to win. World to Win 0269-9141
A-Z of South African politics : Penguin Group ;
A.A.G. bijdragen. Afdeling Agrarische Geschiedenis, Landbouwhogeschool 0511-0726
A.A.V. newsletter. Association of Avian Veterinarians 2154-6312
A.E. ext. Dept. of Agricultural Economics, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University 0574-0525
A.E.C. bulletin. American Engineering Council
A.I.D. economic data book. Agency for International Development, Office of Program and Policy Coordination, Statistics and Reports Division ;
31137 results for yearArchived: 2020 - page 10 of 1557