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21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 11 of 1066
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Academy architecture and architectural review. [s.n.]
Academy notes. Chatto and Windus
Acadiensis ... a quarterly devoted to the interests of the maritime provices of Canada 0701-4368
Acanto. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientʹificas
Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia. Palombi 0001-4451
Acceptance bulletin of the American Acceptance Council. American Acceptance Council 0732-2062
Accepted dental remedies. Council on Dental Therapeutics, American Dental Association 0197-5773
ACCESSIONS LIST, INDIA. American Libraries Book Procurement Center 0041-7734
Accident facts. National Safety Council 0148-6039
Acción española :
Accommodation industry. Statistics South Africa
Accounts of the city of Aberdeen. Printed by G. Cirnwall & Sons
Accounts published in the year. The City
Accounts relating to the foreign sea and air-borne trade and navigation of India. Superintendent, Government Printing, India
Accroissement en ... : Société industrielle d'arts et métiers
ACEN news. Press Bureau, ACEN 0001-0677
Achievement. World Trade Magazines Ltd., etc 0001-4907
ACI bibliography. American Concrete Institute 0084-6325
ACM letters on programming languages and systems. Association for Computing Machinery 1057-4514
Acme. Universitʹa, Facoltʹa di lettere e filosofia 0001-494X
21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 11 of 1066