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21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 190 of 1066
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
British and foreign state papers. H.M.S.O. 0068-1245
British architect;
British bee journal & bee-keepers adviser.
British bee journal. British Bee Publications 0007-0327
British bee-keeper's guide book to the management of bees in movable-comb hives, and the use of modern bee-appliances. Houlston
British Berkshire herd book.
British birds; an illustrated magazine devoted to the birds on the British list. Witherby & Co. 0007-0335
British books in print. J. Whitaker; R. R. Bowker Co. [etc.] 0068-1350
British books.
British chemical abstracts. Bureau of Chemical Abstracts
British chemical abstracts. Bureau of Chemical Abstracts
British chemical abstracts. Bureau of Chemical Abstracts
British chemical abstracts. Bureau of Chemical Abstracts The Bureau 0365-9259
British chemical engineering : BCE. Engineering, Chemical and Marine Press 0007-0424
British dental journal. British Dental Association 0007-0610
British gynaecological journal.
British Honduras : H.M.S.O.
British journal of children's diseases.
British journal of dental science and prosthenics.
British journal of dental science.
21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 190 of 1066