Search Results

21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 35 of 1066
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. C.V. Mosby Co. 0002-9378
American journal of ophthalmology. Ophthalmic Pub. Co. 0002-9394
American journal of orthopsychiatry. Educational Pub. Foundation [etc.] 0002-9432
American journal of pharmaceutical education. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 0002-9459
American journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 0002-9467
American journal of philology. Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.] 0002-9475
American journal of physical anthropology. A. R. Liss [etc.] 0002-9483
American journal of political science. Published by University of Texas Press for Midwest Political Science Association [etc.] 0092-5853
American journal of proctology : official publication of the International Academy of Proctology. The Academy 0002-9521
American journal of psychoanalysis. Human Sciences Press 0002-9548
American journal of syphilis, gonorrhea, and venereal diseases : official journal of the American Venereal Disease Association. Mosby 0096-6738
American journal of syphilis.
American journal of theology & philosophy. American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 0194-3448
American journal of veterinary research. American Veterinary Medical Association 0002-9645
American labor legislation review. American Association for Labor Legislation 2152-7911
American law reports annotated. Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co.
American lawn tennis : American Lawn Tennis Pub. Co.
American letter. Standard Washington Authority
American library directory; a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data. R.R. Bowker 0065-910X
American literary gazette and publishers circular. G.W. Childs
21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 35 of 1066