Search Results

21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 826 of 1066
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Social changes. University of Chicago Press
Social choice and welfare. Springer-Verlag 0176-1714
Social development in Pakistan. Social Policy and Development Centre
Social Europe. The Commission
Social forces. University of North Carolina Press 0037-7732
Social policy. Social Policy Corp., etc 0037-7783
Social problems. Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems [etc.] 0037-7791
Social register, New York. Social Register Association 2476-2601
Social register, San Francisco. Social Register Association
Social science & medicine. Pergamon 0277-9536
Social science information / International Social Science Council = Information sur les sciences sociales / Conseil international des sciences sociales. The Council 0539-0184
Social Science Monographs 0567-0888
Social science quarterly. Southwestern Social Science Association and the University of Texas 0038-4941
Social science series. [University of Southern California Press]
Social science. Pi Gamma Mu [etc.] 0037-7848
Social sciences & humanities index. H. W. Wilson 0037-7899
Social security : journal of welfare and social security studies National Insurance Institute, Israel 0334-231X
Social security bulletin. Social Security Board : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. 0037-7910
Social service monographs. University of Chicago Press
Social studies of science. SAGE Publications 0306-3127
21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 826 of 1066