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21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 839 of 1066
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Station paper. U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 0502-3521
Statistica degli stabilimenti de prevenzione e di pena.
Statistica dei riformatori.
Statistica della criminalità per glianni [1906].
Statistica della navigazione e del commercio marittimo nei porti austriaci : Tipografia Morterra & Co.
Statistica delle cause di morte. Tip. ditta L. Cecchini
Statistica giudiziaria civile e commerciale.
Statistical abstract for the principal and other foreign countries.
Statistical abstract of Peru.
Statistical abstract. Central Bureau of Statistics 1726-9938
Statistical abstract. Govt. Printer
Statistical bulletin on manufacturing output, employment, and wages/salaries. Statistics Dept., Govt. of Tonga
Statistical bulletin. Bureau of Commerce and Industry
Statistical digest. Unesco
Statistical handbook of Nagaland. Directorate of Economics and Statistics 0550-8800
Statistical methods in medical research Edward Arnold 0962-2802
Statistical pocket book of the German Democratic Republic. Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 0585-1785
Statistical pocket-book of Pakistan. Manager of Publications 0081-5004
Statistical register for ... and previous years / Government Printer
Statistical register of South Australia. A.B. James, Govt. Printer
21312 results for yearArchived: 2023 - page 839 of 1066