Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project

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The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) is assembling a complete set of of archived print journals available through JSTOR. Volumes are physically checked for completeness and condition at the item level before being shelved. Volumes are donated from CRL members and so are contributed from a variety of institutions.

Country: USA

Operating Details

Status: Operational

Archive Type: Print

Format Archived: Journals

Selection: The goal of CRL's JSTOR print archive is to assemble a collection of JSTOR print volumes that match most of those in the JSTOR Arts & Sciences Collections. The exception is for JSTOR collections that are not widely held by CRL member libraries.

Retention Period: Permanent

Ownership: Transfers to Program/Consortium

Funding Profile: Funded by Parent Program

Staffing Model: Administrative host support

Disclosure: PAPR, OCLC WorldCat

Eligibility: Consortium

Archiving Categories

Category Completeness Validation Condition Validation Member Access Nonmember Access
Issue Issue Electronic or physical delivery Not specified

This page was last updated 07/21/2024