Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) Shared Collection

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WRLC is a consortium of nine university libraries in the Washington DC area, with a shared library storage facility containing over two million volumes and with a capacity of three million volumes. Journals deposited in the shared facility become shared copies and no duplicate volumes may be deposited. The WRLC shared journals constitute a de facto archive for these materials.

Country: USA

Operating Details

Status: Operational

Archive Type: Print

Format Archived: Mixed

Selection: The WRLC, through its Preservation Advisory Committee, has developed policies and procedures designed to ensure the preservation and conservation of materials in all formats. The combined collections of The Washington Research Library Consortium total more

Retention Period: Permanent

Ownership: Transfers to Program/Consortium

Archiving Categories

Category Completeness Validation Condition Validation Member Access Nonmember Access
Not specified Not specified Electronic or physical delivery No access

This page was last updated 07/21/2024