Search Results

2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 28 of 135
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Chemical engineering journal. Elsevier 1385-8947
Chi è?. A.F. Formiggini Editore
Chicorel abstracts to reading and learning disabilities. American Library Pub. Co. 0149-533X
Child behavior therapy. Haworth Press 0162-1416
Child development abstracts and bibliography. Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc.] 0009-3939
Child study journal monographs. Faculty of Professional Studies, State University College at Buffalo 0099-0116
Children & libraries. American Library Association 1542-9806
Children's books of the year / Child Study Association of America. The Association 0069-3499
Children's catalog. H.W. Wilson Co.
Chimes : the journal of the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing Arts
China & the world. Beijing review 1673-1034
China official annual report. Kingsway International Publications Ltd. 0257-7232
China urban statistics / compiled by State Statistical Bureau, People's Republic of China. Longman Group Ltd., ; China Statistical Information & Consultancy Service Centre : Distributed by Gale Research Co. 0950-5350
Chinese education and society. M.E. Sharpe Inc. 1061-1932
Chinese music. Chinese Music Society of North America 0192-3749
Chisla. Petropolis-Verlag 2023-7030
Christmas. Augsburg Publishing House 0069-3928
Chronos : Syracuse University, Dept. of History
Church music. Concordia Pub. House 0009-6458
Chūgoku bungaku ronsō / Ōbirin Daigaku Association of Research Libraries 0014-8512
2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 28 of 135