Search Results

2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 29 of 135
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Cimarron review. Oklahoma State University 0009-6849
Cinema nuovo. Edizione Dedalo 0009-711X
Cinema. Spectator International, Inc. 0009-7047
Cities of the United States. Gale Research Inc. 0899-6075
Citizens and statesmen : Center for Economic and Policy Education, Saint Vincent College
City planning : [City Planning Pub. Co.]
Civil list and constitutional history of the Colony and State of New York / Weed, Parsons & Co.
Classical singer. Classical Singer 1534-276X
Clay in art international. s.n. 1790-6458
Clio magazine.
Close-up / Polaroid. Corporate Communications Group of Polaroid Corp 0740-5545
Closed-end fund 250 / Morningstar
CLS. Chicago Linguistic Society 1944-0332
CNY business exchange. Herald Co. 1936-7880
CNY connected. Public Broadcasting Council of Central New York, Inc.
CNY preview. Public Broadcasting Council of Central New York 1541-261X
Coda magazine. J. Norris : B. Smith 0820-926X
Cognition and brain theory. L. Erlbaum Associates 0193-5488
Collected papers from the Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University. The University
Collection des travaux chimiques de Tchécoslovaquie = Johnson Reprint Corp
2698 results for facility: Syracuse University Bird Library - page 29 of 135