Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 220 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International communications in heat and mass transfer. Pergamon Press 0735-1933
International conciliation. American Branch of the Association for International Conciliation 0020-6407
International criminal justice review College of Public and Urban Affairs, Georgia State University 1057-5677
International dairy journal / published in association with the International Dairy Federation Elsevier Applied Science 0958-6946
International demographics. American Demographics 0731-5414
International developments: a bibliography Research Microfilms
International directory of eighteenth-century studies / International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies = Râepertoire international des dix-huitiâemistes / Sociâetâe internationale d'âetude du dix-huitiáeme siáecle. Voltaire Foundation, Taylor Institution 0066-3247
International directory of Middle East specialists. Cambridge University Press
International directory of philosophy and philosophers. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green University 0074-4603
International directory of private presses. Press of Arden Park 0894-7104
International directory of research & development scientists. Institute for Scientific Information 0538-7205
International economic journal. Korea International Economic Association 1016-8737
International economic review. Economics Dept. of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association [etc.] 0020-6598
International endodontic journal Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications 0143-2885
International environmental affairs. University Press of New England for the Trustees of Dartmouth College 1041-4665
International environmental agreements : politics, law and economics Kluwer Academic Publishers 1567-9764
International feminist journal of politics. Routledge 1461-6742
International film guide. Wallflower Press
International finance Blackwell Publishers 1367-0271
International geology review. V.H. Winston & Sons, etc 0020-6814
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 220 of 573