Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 221 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International handbook of universities and other institutions of higher education. International Association of Universities 0074-6215
International heart journal International Heart Journal Association 1349-2365
International immunopharmacology. Elsevier Science 1567-5769
International interactions. Gordon and Breach 0305-0629
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. J. Wiley 0363-9061
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering Wiley-Blackwell 2040-7939
International journal for numerical methods in engineering. Wiley [etc.] 0029-5981
International journal for numerical methods in fluids. Wiley 0271-2091
International journal for parasitology. Pergamon Press 0020-7519
International journal for philosophy of religion. M. Nijhoff 0020-7047
International journal for the advancement of counselling. Nijhoff 0165-0653
International journal for the semiotics of law = Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique Deborah Charles Publications ; Wm. W. Gaunt [distributor] 0952-8059
International journal of acarology. Indira Acarology Publishing House 0164-7954
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing. Wiley 0890-6327
International journal of adhesion & adhesives. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 0143-7496
International journal of African renaissance studies. UNISA Press 1818-6874
International journal of American linguistics. Douglas C. McMurtrie 0020-7071
International journal of andrology. Scriptor Publisher ApS 0105-6263
International journal of andrology. Scriptor 0106-1607
International journal of antimicrobial agents Elsevier Science 0924-8579
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 221 of 573