Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
International journal of systems science. |
Taylor and Francis |
0020-7721 |
International journal of testing |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |
1530-5058 |
International journal of the classical tradition : IJCT : the official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition. |
Transaction Periodicals Consortium |
1073-0508 |
International Journal of the Economics of Business |
Carfax |
1357-1516 |
International journal of the legal profession |
Carfax Pub. Co. |
0969-5958 |
International journal of the sociology of law. |
Academic Press |
0194-6595 |
International journal of theoretical physics. |
Plenum Press |
0020-7748 |
International journal of thermophysics. |
Plenum Press |
0195-928X |
International journal of toxicology. |
Taylor & Francis |
1091-5818 |
International journal of training and development |
Blackwell |
1360-3736 |
International journal of turbo & jet-engines. |
Freund Pub. House |
0334-0082 |
International journal of urban and regional research. |
E. Arnold |
0309-1317 |
International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association |
Churchill Livingstone |
0919-8172 |
International journal of water resources development. |
Tycooly International Pub. Co. |
0790-0627 |
International journal of wireless information networks |
Plenum Press |
1068-9605 |
International journal on digital libraries. |
Springer |
1432-5012 |
International journal on software tools for technology transfer : STTT |
Springer |
1433-2779 |
International journal on world peace. |
Professors World Peace Academy |
0742-3640 |
International journal. |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs |
0020-7020 |
International labor and working class history. |
Study Group on International Labor and Working Class History |
0147-5479 |