Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 232 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International labour review / International Labour Office. The Office 0020-7780
International legal materials. American Society of International Law 0020-7829
International migration. Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration [and] Research Group for European Migration Problems 0020-7985
International Molders and Allied Workers Union journal. International Molders' and Allied Workers' Union 0020-8019
International molders' and allied workers' journal. International Molders' and Allied Workers' Union 0276-0126
International multilingual research journal Lawrence Earlbaum Associates 1931-3152
International nursing review : official journal of the International Council of Nurses. International Council of Nurses 0020-8132
International official talent & booking directory
International ophthalmology. Kluwer 0165-5701
International organization. MIT Press, etc 0020-8183
International orthopaedics. Springer-Verlag 0341-2695
International peacekeeping. F. Cass 1353-3312
International perspectives in psychology Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association 2157-3883
International pest control. Rhodes Industrial Magazines Ltd. 0020-8256
International pharmacopsychiatry. S. Karger 0020-8272
International planning studies Carfax Pub. Co. 1356-3475
International political science abstracts / International Political Science Association [and] International Studies Conference = Documentation politique internationale / Association internationale de science politique [et] Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales. Basil Blackwell ; Presses Universitaires de France 0020-8345
International political science review : IPSR = Revue internationale de science politique : RISP. Sage Publications 0192-5121
International political sociology. Published on behalf of the International Studies Association by Blackwell 1749-5679
International regional science review. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University [etc.] 0160-0176
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 232 of 573