Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 235 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International yearbook of educational and instructional technology. Kogan Page Ltd.
International yearbook of educational and instructional technology. Kogan Page;
International yearbook of educational and training technology / Association for Educational and Training Technology. Kogan Page 1351-4652
International zoo yearbook. Zoological Society of London 0074-9664
Internationales Asien Forum. International quarterly for Asian studies. Weltform Verlag 0020-9449
Internationales Jahrbuch für Religionssoziologie. International yearbook for the sociology of religion. Westdeutscher Verlag 0074-9850
Internationales Jahrbuch für Wissens- und Religionssoziologie. Westdeutscher Verlag
Intersecciones en antropología La Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 1666-2105
Interstate medical journal. Interstate Medical Journal 1047-3491
Interventions : international journal of postcolonial studies. Routledge 1369-801X
Interview. Interview Enterprises 0149-8932
Intégral : the journal of applied musical thought. Eastman Theory Association 1073-6913
Inventiones mathematicae. Springer-Verlag 0020-9910
Inverse problems. Institute of Physics 0266-5611
Invertebrate biology. Allen Press 1077-8306
Investigación bibliotecológica. Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, UNAM 0187-358X
Investigación económica / Escuela Nacional de Economía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 0185-1667
Investigational new drugs : M. Nijhoff 0167-6997
IPRA bulletin. International Pragmatics Association
IPRA papers in pragmatics. International Pragmatics Association
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 235 of 573