Search Results

11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 234 of 573
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International social security review. General Secretariat of the I.S.S.A. 0020-871X
International social work. Mrs. C. Dave 0020-8728
International sociology : journal of the International Sociological Association. University College Cardiff Press 0268-5809
International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique. Longman 0306-7734
International studies in philosophy = Studi internazionali di filosofia. Filosofia 0270-5664
International studies in the philosophy of science : I.S.P.S. Routledge & Kegan Paul 0269-8595
International studies of management & organization. International Arts & Sciences Press 0020-8825
International studies perspectives. Published for the International Studies Association by Blackwell Publishers 1528-3577
International studies quarterly : a publication of the International Studies Association. Wayne State University Press 0020-8833
International studies review. Blackwell Publishers for the International Studies Association 1521-9488
International studies. Asia Pub. House 0020-8817
International supplement to the Women's studies quarterly. Women's Studies International 0730-5079
International surgery. Piccin Medical Books, etc 0020-8868
International transactions in operational research : a journal of The International Federation of Operational Research Societies Pergamon 0969-6016
International travel statistics. Statistiques du tourisme international. Estadísticas del turismo internacional. International Union of Official Travel Organizations and World Tourism Organization [etc.] 0074-9184
International urology and nephrology Akadémiai Kiadó 0301-1623
International who's who in energy and nuclear sciences / compiled by the Longman Editorial Team. Longman Group Ltd. 0952-1100
International who's who in poetry and poets' encyclopaedia. International Biographical Centre
International who's who in poetry. International Biographical Centre [etc.] 0539-1342
International who's who of authors and writers. Europa Publications, Taylor & Francis Group 1740-018X
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 234 of 573