Search Results
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 470 of 573 | 468 469 470 471 472 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Steroids. | Butterworth-Heinemann [etc.] | 0039-128X | |
Stochastic analysis and applications. | M. Dekker | 0736-2994 | |
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment : research journal. | Springer Verlag | 1436-3240 | |
Stochastic models. | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 1532-6349 | |
Stochastic processes and their applications. | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 0304-4149 | |
Stolen art alert. | R. R. Bowker Co. : in association with the International Foundation for Art Research | 0197-0208 | |
Storia e problemi contemporanei. | Il lavoro editoriale | 1120-4206 | |
Stories. | A.R. Kaufman | 0742-2113 | |
Storytelling, self, society | Florida Atlantic University | 1550-5340 | |
STRAHLENTHERAPIE. | Urban & Schwarzenberg | 0039-2073 | |
Strain. | British Society for Strain Measurement | 0039-2103 | |
Strategic analysis | Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses | 0970-0161 | |
Strategic management journal. | Wiley | 0143-2095 | |
Strategic organization | Sage Publications | 1476-1270 | |
Strategic review. | United States Strategic Institute | 0091-6846 | |
Strategic survey / The Institute for Strategic Studies. | The Institute | 0459-7230 | |
Strategies | Critical Studies Group of the University of California | 1040-2136 | |
Stratégique. | Fondation pour les études de défense nationale | 0224-0424 | |
Strength of materials. | Consultants Bureau | 0039-2316 | |
Stress and health | John Wiley & Sons | 1532-3005 |
11446 results for facility: University of California Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) - page 470 of 573 | 468 469 470 471 472 |