Search Results

453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 7 of 23
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Illinois writers review. Illinois Writers, Inc. 0733-9526
Indiana review. Indiana University Board of Trustees 0738-386X
Interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment : ISLE. Indiana University of Pennsylvania 1076-0962
Iowa woman. V. Staats 0271-8227
Isthmus. Isthmus Press 0190-7743
J.L.T. : the journal of literary theory Dept. of English and Philosophy, Royal Military College of Canada 0714-6213
James Fenimore Cooper Society miscellaneous papers. The Society 1072-9585
Joliso. [East African Literature Bureau]
Journal of Beckett studies. P. Cole Books ; J. Calder 0309-5207
Journal of the American Statistical Association. American Statistical Association 0162-1459
Kalki. James Branch Cabell Society 0022-7994
Kalliope. Jacksonville Women's Poetry Collective, Center for the Continuing Education of Women, Florida Junior College at Jacksonville 0735-7885
Kansas quarterly. Kansas Quarterly, etc 0022-8745
Kennel review. B & E Publications 0164-4289
Kingdom come.
L.S.E. quarterly. B. Blackwell 0269-9710
Lactuca. [s.n.] 0896-8705
Lake effect. [Lake County Writers Group] 0887-4492
Library review / the University of Louisville. The University 0041-9788
Literary magazine review. Kansas State University Writers Society 0732-6637
453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 7 of 23