Search Results

453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 8 of 23
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Literary research : LR. Literary Research Association 0891-6365
Literature and belief / Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature, Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University Press 0732-1929
Lost generation journal. Literary Enterprises Inc. 0091-2948
Louisiana literature : La lit / Southeastern Louisiana University. English Dept. of Southeastern Louisiana University 0890-0477
Lullwater review. Emory University 1051-5968
Mairena. s.n. 1050-835X
Malachite & agate : Clove Press 1090-7157
Manifold; a Quarterly of New Verse 0025-2166
Marianne Moore newsletter. Philip H. and A. S. W. Rosenbach Foundation 0145-8779
Mawazo. Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University 0047-6293
Mà„noa : a Pacific journal of international writing. University of Hawaii Press 1045-7909
Mediphors : Mediphors Pub. 1068-9745
MELUS; University of Connecticut, Dept. of English 0163-755X
Melville Society extracts. The Society 0193-8991
Minority voices. Paul Robeson Cultural Center 0148-1037
Modern haiku. K. T. Mormino 0026-7821
Modernist studies: literature & culture 1920-1940. Dept. of English, University of Alberta 0316-5973
Nebula. Nebula Press 0317-2104
Negative capability. Negative Capability 0277-5166
New American writing. Oink! Press 0893-7842
453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 8 of 23