Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 31 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in control systems. Academic Press 0065-2466
Advances in corrosion science and technology. Plenum Press 0065-2474
Advances in cycloaddition. JAI Press 1052-2077
Advances in data base management. Heyden 0196-8718
Advances in design automation American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1062127X
Advances in differential equations. Khayyam Pub. 1079-9389
Advances in disease vector research. Springer-Verlag 0934-6112
Advances in educational productivity. Jai Press
Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. Wiley 0567-9907
Advances in electronic packaging : proceedings of the ... Joint ASME/JSME Conference on Electronic Packaging / sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical [and] the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1524-9425
Advances in electronics and electron physics. Academic Press 0065-2539
Advances in electronics. Academic Press 0096-6002
Advances in electrophoresis. VCH 0932-3031
Advances in energy systems and technology. Academic Press 0191-6610
Advances in engineering software and workstations. Computational Mechanics Publications 0961-3552
Advances in engineering software. CML Publications 0141-1195
Advances in engineering software. Elsevier Applied Science 0965-9978
Advances in environmental science and engineering. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0141-8106
Advances in environmental sciences. Wiley-Interscience 0095-4535
Advances in experimental medicine and biology. Plenum Press 0065-2598
29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 31 of 1494