Search Results

1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 3 of 68
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in artificial intelligence in economics, finance, and management. JAI Press 1078-7186
Advances in artificial intelligence in software engineering. JAI Press 1057-6282
Advances in biochemical engineering. Springer-Verlag 0065-2210
Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology. Springer-Verlag 0724-6145
Advances in bioengineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0360-9960
Advances in biosensors. JAI Press 1061-8945
Advances in business marketing and purchasing. JAI Press 1069-0964
Advances in business marketing. JAI Press 0894-5969
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry. Academic Press 0065-2318
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry. Academic Press 0096-5332
Advances in chemistry series. American Chemical Society 0065-2393
Advances in Chinese industrial studies. JAI Press 1052-3693
Advances in chromatography. M. Dekker 0065-2415
Advances in clinical child psychology. Plenum Press 0149-4732
Advances in communication systems. Academic Press 0065-2431
Advances in consumer research. Association for Consumer Research 0098-9258
Advances in DNA sequence specific agents. JAI Press 1067-568X
Advances in electrochemical science and engineering. VCH 0938-5193
Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. Wiley 0567-9907
Advances in environment, behavior, and design. Plenum Press 1040-4309
1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 3 of 68