Search Results

1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 4 of 68
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in futures and options research. JAI Press 1048-1559
Advances in gender research. JAI Press 1529-2126
Advances in high temperature chemistry. Academic Press 0065-2741
Advances in human ecology. JAI Press 1069-0573
Advances in inorganic biochemistry. Elsevier 0190-0218
Advances in international accounting. JAI Press 0897-3660
Advances in library administration and organization. JAI Press 0732-0671
Advances in man-machine systems research. Jai Press 0882-6137
Advances in materials research. Springer 1435-1889
Advances in nonprofit marketing. JAI Press 0892-9556
Advances in parasitology. Academic Press 0065-308X
Advances in polymer science = Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung. Springer-Verlag 0065-3195
Advances in psychology research. Nova Science Publishers 1532-723X
Advances in quantitative analysis of finance and accounting. JAI Press 1061-8910
Advances in serials management. JAI Press 1040-4384
Advances in statistical analysis and statistical computing. JAI Press 1045-6821
Advances in strain in organic chemistry. JAI Press 1061-8902
Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms. JAI Press 0885-3339
Aerospace historian. Air Force Historical Foundation 0001-9364
Africa and the world. New Frontier Publishers 0950-0650
1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 4 of 68