Search Results

1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 31 of 68
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of paint technology. 0022-3352
Journal of productivity analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0895-562X
Journal of religious & theological information. Haworth Press 1047-7845
Journal of renaissance and baroque music. Institute of Renaissance and Baroque Music 1059-8529
Journal of research and practice in information technology Australian Computer Society Inc. 1443-458X
Journal of ritual studies. Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh 0890-1112
Journal of singing : the official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. The Association 1086-7732
Journal of Spanish cultural studies. Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1463-6204
Journal of sports economics. Sage Publications 1527-0025
Journal of strength and conditioning research. Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., for the National Strength and Conditioning Association 1064-8011
Journal of structural chemistry. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0022-4766
Journal of technology and teacher education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 1059-7069
Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas. Wayland College 0587-5064
Journal of the American Welding Society. American Welding Society
Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science. Arkansas Academy of Science, Dept. of Natural Science 2326-0491
Journal of the Australian Institute of Metals. The Institute 0004-9352
Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society. T. Telford Ltd. 0007-1587
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society. The Society 0019-4522
Journal of the Market Research Society. Market Research Society 0025-3618
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 0025-5645
1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 31 of 68