Search Results

1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 32 of 68
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 0076-9436
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Society for Army Historical Research 0037-9700
Journal of the United States Cavalry Association. United States Cavalry Association
Journal of the Violin Society of America. Queens College Press, etc 0148-6845
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Warburg Institute, University of London 0075-4390
Journal of the Warburg Institute Warburg Institute 0959-2024
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington Academy of Sciences 0043-0439
Journal of thermal spray technology. ASM International 1059-9630
Journal of ultrastructure research. Academic Press 0075-4404
Journal of vacuum science & technology. an official journal of the American Vacuum Society. Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 0734-211X
Journal of vacuum science & technology. processing, measurement, and phenomena : an official journal of the American Vacuum Society. Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 1071-1023
Journal of Victorian culture : JVC. Edinburgh University Press ; Trinity and All Saints College 1355-5502
Journal of wellness perspectives. Program in Health Studies in the College of Education at the University of Alabama
Journal x : Dept. of English, University of Mississippi
Journal. 0020-3432
JSME international journal : bulletin of the JSME. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0913-185X
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8046
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1344-7653
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8062
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0914-8809
1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 32 of 68