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423 results for institution: East Carolina University (ERE) - page 18 of 22
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The eagle /
The edge Outer Banks / Outer Banks Press
The fife and drum.
The Ford worker. Ford Section of the Communist Party
The Graduate School bulletin / The College
The Greenville Independent. Jones Publishing Compnay
The Hook.
The Illustrated war news. Illustrated London News and Sketch
The International journal of nautical archaeology. Published for the Nautical Archaeology Society by Academic Press 1057-2414
The journal of proceedings and addresses of the National Educational Association. The Association
The Lion of St. Mark's School : St. Mark's School
The lion.
The local book : Local Book Publishing, Inc.
The longhorn
The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. Mercury Press, etc 0024-984X
The magazine subject-index. Boston Book Co.
The Mariner's mirror. Society for Nautical Research 0025-3359
The Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics. Medical Letter, inc. [etc.] 0025-732X
The Millgate. National Co-operative Press
The Naval annual. J. Griffin
423 results for institution: East Carolina University (ERE) - page 18 of 22