Search Results

241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 3 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Comedia performance : journal of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater. Association for Hispanic Classical Theater 1553-6505
Comparative medicine. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 1532-0820
Comparative urban and community research. Transaction Books 0892-5569
Congressional roll call. Congressional Quarterly, inc 0191-1473
Construction contracting. Nolan-Sands Pub., etc 0270-1588
Contemporary newsmakers. Gale Research Co. 0883-1564
Continuum. National University Continuing Education Association 0162-4024
Counterpoise : for social responsibilities, liberty and dissent. American Library Association, Task Force on Alternatives in Print 1092-0714
Country report. EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 0269-5731
Country report. EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 1356-4072
Country report. EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 0269-543X
Country report. EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 0269-5197
Country report. EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 1356-4064
Country report. the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 1350-7133
Country report. the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Unit 1366-4026
CQ ... almanac. Congressional Quarterly 1944-5520
Credit union industry developments. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 1067-7550
Cuba, anuario histoĢrico 12th Ave. Graphics 1067-0726
Development trends. Urban Land Institute
Diabetes care. American Diabetes Association 0149-5992
241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 3 of 13