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241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 5 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Handbook of Latin American studies. University of Texas Press [etc.] 0072-9833
Health care careers directory / American Medical Association. American Medical Association 2157-3743
Health progress. Catholic Health Association of the United States 0882-1577
Historic documents. Congressional Quarterly, inc 0892-080X
Honduras en cifras. Banco Central de Honduras, Departamento de Estudios Económicos
Hospital materiel management quarterly. 0192-2262
ICAO journal. International Civil Aviation Organization 1014-8876
ICPSR bulletin. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research 0198-6848
Independent school. National Association of Independent Schools 0145-9635
Information systems management. Auerbach 1058-0530
Information technology in childhood education annual. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 1522-8185
Injury facts / National Safety Council. The Council 1538-5337
Insurance marketing. Bayard Publications 0193-0524
Internal revenue acts. West Pub. Co. 0885-0437
International bibliography of political science / prepared by the International Political Science Association in co-operation with the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation, and with the support of the International Studies Conference = Bibliographie internationale de science politique / établie par l'Association internationale de science politique avec la collaboration du Comité international pour la documentation des sciences sociales, et le concours de la Conférence permanente des hau UNESCO 0085-2058
International index to film periodicals. R. R. Bowker Co. 0000-0388
International journal of computer integrated manufacturing Taylor & Francis 0951-192X
International journal of hyperthermia Taylor & Francis 0265-6736
International journal of obesity. Newman Pub. Ltd. 0307-0565
241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 5 of 13