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237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 10 of 12
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Freewill Baptist quarterly. Williams, Day & Co.
The Freewill Baptist register and year-book. Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment
The Freewill Baptist register, and saint's annual visiter. Printed at the Mirror Office, by A. Shirley for the aforesaid connexion
The Freewill Baptist register, for the year of our Lord. Published by David Marks, for the Freewill Baptist Connection
The general Baptist repository and missionary observer. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper
The Guide to Christian perfection. T. Merritt :
The Guide to holiness. G.C. Rand
The Hamptonia. the Social Fraternity and Literary Adelphi
The India Sunday School journal. India Sunday School Union
The Indian evangelical review. Printed at the Foster Press
The Jewish expositor and friend of Israel; J. Duncan [etc.]
The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society : Maine Ornithological Society
The Literary panorama and national register. Printed for C. Taylor
The little star. Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment
The London Christian instructor, or, Congregational magazine. Jackson and Walford
The Maine Baptist messenger. s.n.
The Maine monthly magazine / Duren & Thatcher ;
The Maine naturalist : The Academy
The Maine teacher. Maine Teachers' Association 0025-0775
The Methodist magazine and quarterly review. Published for the Methodist Episcopal Church by J. Emory and B. Waugh
237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 10 of 12