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237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 8 of 12
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Something new. M.H. Barton
Sprague's journal of Maine history. John Francis Sprague
Statistical report of the state canvass.
Stony hills : Weeks Mills
Strategic planning and energy management. SP & EM 8750-3204
Talks and tales. Merkos l'Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. 0039-9213
Texaco lubrication chart for American diesels and other oil engines. Texaco
The American anti-slavery almanac, for ... : Published by the American Ant-Slavery Society, no. 143 Nassau Street
The American bookseller : American News Co.
The American cooperator. Cooperative Association of America
The American national preacher. [s.n.] 2156-129X
The American protestant. American Protestant Society
The American register, or, Summary review of history, politics, and literature. Thomas Dobson and Son 2156-1699
The Analectic magazine, James Maxwell [etc.]
The Annual of bookmaking. The Colophon
The Anti-Jacobin, or, Weekly examiner. s.n.
The Baptist magazine. J. Burditt and W. Button
The Baptist missionary magazine. Board of Managers, Baptist General Convention 2156-9355
The Bates bulletin. Bates Association
The Beloit poetry journal. Beloit College 0005-8661
237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 8 of 12