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237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 6 of 12
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Minutes of the General Conference of Maine. The Conference
Minutes of the Kennebec Association ... : The Association
Minutes of the Maine Baptist Convention. The Convention
Minutes of the Rhode Island Association of Freewill Baptist Churches. A. Crawford Greene
Minutes of the Rockingham Conference at the annual meeting. The Conference
Missionary review of the world. Funk & Wagnalls
New England classical newsletter. Classical Association of New England 0739-1188
New Europe and world reconstruction. [New Europe]
New Jerusalem magazine. A. Howard
Northern lights. University of Maine at Presque Isle 0739-2974
Notes on printing & graphic arts. Stinehour Press
OECD economic surveys. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1995-3402
OECD economic surveys: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1995-3364
Oriental collections, Cadell and Davies
Origin. National Poetry Foundation, etc 0030-5510
Ornithologist and oölogist. Jos. M. Wade
Our Dayspring. Morning Star Pub.
Out of the cradle. Out of the Cradle, Inc. 1081-3527
Paideuma. University of Maine at Orono [etc.] 0090-5674
237 results for institution: Bates College, Shared Collections (BTS) - page 6 of 12