Search Results

15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 322 of 780
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International motion picture almanac. Quigley Publications 0074-7084
International multilingual research journal Lawrence Earlbaum Associates 1931-3152
International music & opera guide. Tantivy Press ;
International negotiation. Kluwer Law International 1382-340X
International oil and gas development; review. International Oil Scouts Association 0535-1634
International perspectives on education and society. JAI Press 1479-3679
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. Alan Guttmacher Institute 1944-0391
International perspectives. International Perspectives 0381-4874
International petroleum abstracts. Wiley, etc 0309-4944
International petroleum encyclopedia. PennWell Pub. Co. [etc.] 0148-0375
International petroleum times. IPC Industrial Press 0141-4437
International pharmaceutical abstracts. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists 0020-8264
International pharmacopsychiatry. S. Karger 0020-8272
International photographer. Local no. 659, I.A.T.S.E. and M.P.M.O. of the United States and Canada 0020-8299
International poetry review. International Poetry Review [etc.] 0145-0786
International preservation news : a newsletter of the IFLA Programme on Preservation and Conservation = Internationale Nachrichten der Konservierung = Les nouvelles internationales de préservation = Mezhdunarodnye novosti konservats︡ii. Library of Congress, IFLA PAC Core Programme, National Preservation Program Office 0890-4960
International psychogeriatrics / IPA. Springer Pub. Co. 1041-6102
International railway journal : IRJ. Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co. 0020-8450
International record of medicine. Hermes Press, etc 0096-0632
International research centers directory. Gale Research Co. 0278-2731
15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 322 of 780