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15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 324 of 780
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International symposium digest, antennas and propagation / IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. IEEE Service Center 1079-9478
International Symposium on Memory Management : ACM Press
International Symposium on Regional Development; Japan Center for Area Development Research
International tax and public finance. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0927-5940
International television & video almanac. Quigley Pub. Co. 0895-2213
International television almanac. Quigley Pub. Co. 0539-0761
International theatrelog. TQ Publications 0141-9412
International tourism reports. Economist Publications 0269-3747
International water power & dam construction. Reed Business Pub., etc 0306-400X
International who's who in classical music. Europa Publications Ltd. 1740-0155
International who's who in music and musicians' directory. [Melrose Press] 0307-2894
International who's who in popular music. Europa Publications Ltd. 1740-0163
International yearbook of cartography. Universitätsverlag Ulm [etc.] 0341-0986
International yearbook of educational and instructional technology. Kogan Page;
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Literatur = F. Dietrich
Internationale Dialog Zeitschrift. Verlag der Internationalen Dialog Zeitschrift [etc.] 0020-9228
Internationale mathematische Nachrichten = International mathematical news = Nouvelles mathématiques internationales / herausgegeben von der Österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft. Die Gesellschaft 0020-7926
Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Historische Kommission 0046-8428
Internationale Zeitschrift fèur Klinische Pharmakologie, Therapie und Toxicologie = International journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy and toxicology Urban & Schwarzenberg 0020-9392
Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztlich Psychoanalyse. Kraus Reprint
15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 324 of 780