Search Results

4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 40 of 249
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
British food journal. Uplands Press 0007-070X
British journal of addiction. Churchill Livingstone 0952-0481
British journal of anaesthesia : Macmillan Journals 0007-0912
British journal of disorders of communication : the journal of the College of Speech Therapists, London. The College 0007-098X
British journal of guidance & counselling. Careers Research and Advisory Centre 0306-9885
British journal of management Wiley 1045-3172
British journal of nursing : BJN. Mark Allen 0966-0461
British journal of social medicine British Medical Association 0366-0842
British journal of sports medicine. Butterworths [etc.] 0306-3674
British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chest 0366-0869
British journal of urology : official journal of the British Association of Urological Surgeons E & S Livingstone 0007-1331
British phycological bulletin. British Phycological Society 0374-6534
British poultry abstracts. Taylor & Francis 1746-6202
Broadcasting & cable. Cahners Pub. Co. 1068-6827
Broadcasting. Broadcasting Publications Inc. 0007-2028
Brontë studies : journal of the Brontë Society. Maney 1474-8932
Brookings annual report. Brookings Institution 0163-8467
Brotéria. 0007-2427
Buffalo criminal law review Buffalo Criminal Law Center 1093-3514
Building research and information : the international journal of research, development and demonstration. E & FN Spon, an imprint of Chapman & Hall 0961-3218
4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 40 of 249