Search Results

1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 11 of 58
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Clinical genetics. Munksgaard 0009-9163
Clinical infectious diseases : University of Chicago Press 1058-4838
Clinical psychology review. Pergamon Press 0272-7358
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = Journal de l'Association medicale canadienne. The Association = L'Association 0820-3946
Coastal management. Taylor & Francis 0892-0753
Cognitive development. Ablex Pub. Corp 0885-2014
Collection management. Haworth Press 0146-2679
Collections of the New-Hampshire Historical Society. Jacob B. Moore
College and research libraries. American Library Association 0010-0870
College and university : the journal of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars. The Association 0010-0889
Colloquia germanica. Francke Verlag 0010-1338
Columbia law review. 0010-1958
Combustion science and technology. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0010-2202
Commentarii mathematici helvetici. Orell Füssli Verlag 0010-2571
Communication education. Speech Communication Association 0363-4523
Communication monographs. Speech Communication Association 0363-7751
Communications in statistics: M. Dekker, inc 0361-0918
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery. Association for Computing Machinery
Communist and post-communist studies. Butterworth-Heinemann 0967-067X
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Elsevier Science 1095-6433
1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 11 of 58