Search Results
1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 12 of 58 | 10 11 12 13 14 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Comparative literature studies. | University of Maryland | 0010-4132 | |
Comparative strategy. | Crane, Russak, published for the Strategic Studies Center, SRI International | 0149-5933 | |
Composite structures. | Applied Science Publishers | 0263-8223 | |
Composites science and technology. | Elsevier Applied Science Publishers | 0266-3538 | |
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Earth & planetary sciences. | Gauthier-Villars | 1251-8050 | |
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. | Gauthier-Villars | 0567-6541 | |
Computational materials science. | Elsevier | 0927-0256 | |
Computer aided design. | Elsevier [etc.] | 0010-4485 | |
Computer architecture news. | ACM Special Interest Committee on Computer Architecture | 0163-5964 | |
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine | Elsevier Science Publishers | 0169-2607 | |
Computer music journal. | People 's Computer Co. | 0148-9267 | |
Computer personnel. | Association for Computing Machinery | 0160-2497 | |
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. | Academic Press | 0734-189X | |
Computer. | IEEE Computer Society | 0018-9162 | |
Computers & chemical engineering. | Pergamon Press | 0098-1354 | |
Computers & geosciences. | Pergamon Press | 0098-3004 | |
Computers & society. | ACM Special Interest Group on Computers & Society | 0095-2737 | |
Computers and biomedical research. | Academic Press | 0010-4809 | |
Computers in industry. | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 0166-3615 | |
Computers, environment and urban systems. | Pergamon | 0198-9715 |
1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 12 of 58 | 10 11 12 13 14 |