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2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 101 of 131
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Synthese. D. Reidel Pub. Co. [etc.] 0039-7857
Syria. P. Geuthner 0039-7946
Systematic botany. American Society of Plant Taxonomists 0363-6445
Systematic zoology. Society of Systematic Biologists [etc.] 0039-7989
Tax policy and the economy. NBER and MIT Press Journals 0892-8649
Taxon. International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature 0040-0262
TDR / New York University. School of the arts, New York University 0273-4354
TDR. MIT Press 1054-2043
Teaching children mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1073-5836
Teaching geography. Longman Group Ltd, Journals Division 0305-8018
Teaching history. Emporia State University, etc 0730-1383
Teaching sociology. American Sociological Association, [etc.] 0092-055X
Technical communication. Society for Technical Communication 0049-3155
Technology and culture. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 0040-165X
Technometrics. American Society for Quality Control 0040-1706
Tempo. Boosey and Hawkes 0040-2982
Tennessee historical magazine / The Society 2333-9012
Tennessee historical quarterly. Tennessee Historical Society 0040-3261
TESOL quarterly / Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. TESOL 0039-8322
Texas studies in English. University of Texas Press 0364-8656
2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 101 of 131