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2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 102 of 131
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Texas studies in literature and language. University of Texas Press 0040-4691
Text : transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship. AMS Press 0736-3974
The ... yearbook of the National Council on Measurement in Education. The Council 2330-5657
The Academy of Management executive. The Academy 0896-3789
The Academy of Management executive. Academy of Management 1079-5545
The Academy of Management review. Academy of Management 0363-7425
The Accounting historians journal. Academy of Accounting Historians 0148-4184
The Accounting review. American Accounting Association 0001-4826
The Advocate of peace. American Peace Society 2155-7799
The African archaeological review. Cambridge University Press 0263-0338
The African Review Brill 0856-0056
The Agni review. Agni Review 0191-3352
The Agricultural history review. British Agricultural History Society 0002-1490
The American archivist. Society of American Archivists 0360-9081
The American art journal. Kennedy Galleries and Israel Sack, inc 0002-7359
The American art review. Dana Estes and Charles E. Lauriat 2151-8890
The American biology teacher. National Association of Biology Teachers 0002-7685
The American Catholic sociological review. American Catholic Sociological Society 0362-515X
The American economic review. American Economic Association 0002-8282
The American economist. Omicron Delta Epsilon, Honor Society in Economics, etc 0569-4345
2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 102 of 131