Search Results

1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 93 of 99
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Torah u-madda journal. Yeshiva University 1050-4745
The Trollopian; a journal of Victorian fiction University of California Press 1526-4211
The university journal of business Students of the School of Commerce and Administration of the University of Chicago 1525-6979
The University of Chicago law review. The University of Chicago press 0041-9494
The University of Miami inter-American law review. University of Miami, School of Law 0884-1756
The University of Texas studies in English. University of Texas Press 2158-7973
The University of Toronto law journal University of Toronto Press 0042-0220
The Washington historical quarterly. Washington University State Historical Society 0361-6223
The Western historical quarterly. Utah State University 0043-3810
The Western political quarterly. University of Utah [etc.] 0043-4078
The William and Mary quarterly. Institute of Early American History and Culture 0043-5597
The Wilson bulletin. Wilson Ornithological Society 0043-5643
The Wilson journal of ornithology. Wilson Ornithological Society 1559-4491
The Wilson quarterly. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 0363-3276
The Women's review of books. Wellesley College Center for Research on Women 0738-1433
The World Bank economic review. World Bank 0258-6770
The World Bank research observer. World Bank 0257-3032
The Yale law journal. Yale Law Journal Co. 0044-0094
The Yearbook of English studies. Modern Humanities Research Association 0306-2473
Theatre Ireland. Theatre Ireland 0263-6344
1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 93 of 99