Search Results

1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 95 of 99
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society 0002-9947
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. American Microscopical Society 0003-0023
Transactions of the American Philological Association. Scholars Press [etc.] 0360-5949
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. University of Massachusetts Press 0009-1774
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. Geo. W. Martin 1933-0537
Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. The Society 0886-1730
Transactions of the Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Society 0950-4737
Transition Transition 0041-1191
Translation and literature. Edinburgh University Press 0968-1361
Transportation science. Transporation Science Section of ORSA 0041-1655
Tri-monthly report / Ohio Herpetological Society Ohio Herpetological Society 1557-122X
Tulsa studies in women's literature. University of Tulsa 0732-7730
Twentieth century literature. Hofstra University Press, etc 0041-462X
Two-year college mathematics journal. Published by Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, in collaboration with the Mathematical Association of America 0049-4925
Ulbandus review. Columbia University Dept. of Slavic Languages 0163-450X
Ulster journal of archaeology. [Ulster Archaeological Society] 0082-7355
Universal human rights. E. M. Coleman Enterprises 0163-2647
University of Pennsylvania law review University of Pennsylvania Law School 0041-9907
University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register. [Dept. of Law, University of Pennsylvania] 0749-9833
Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development. Institute for the Study of Man, Inc. 0894-6019
1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 95 of 99