Search Results

1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 96 of 99
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Urban anthropology. Plenum Publishing Corp., etc 0363-2024
Ursus : an official publication of the International Association for Bear Research and Management. The Association 1537-6176
Utopian studies. University Press of America 1045-991X
Vegetatio. W. Junk 0042-3106
Vegetation history and archaeobotany Springer-International 0939-6314
Verfassung und Recht in èUbersee : a quarterly on law and modernization. Hamburger Gesellschaft fèur Vèolkerrecht und Auswèartige Politik 0506-7286
Vetus Testamentum. E.J. Brill 0042-4935
Victorian literature and culture. AMS Press 1060-1503
Victorian periodicals newsletter. Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 0049-6189
Victorian periodicals review. Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 0709-4698
Victorian poetry. West Virginia University 0042-5206
Victorian studies. Indiana University 0042-5222
Vienna yearbook of population research / Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1728-4414
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 0042-5702
Vietnam perspectives / American Friends of Vietnam. The Friends 0506-9823
Vigiliae Christianae. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0042-6032
Virginia law review. Virginia Law Review Association 0042-6601
Visual arts research. University of Illinois Press 0736-0770
Voluntas : international journal of voluntary and non-profit organisations = revue internationale de l'économie sociale = internationale Zeitschrift zum Verbands- und Vereinswesen Manchester University Press with the support of the Charities Aid Foundation 0957-8765
Washington history : magazine of the Historical Society of Washington, D.C. The Society 1042-9719
1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 96 of 99