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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 1 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
"Aberdeen journal" notes and queries. "Aberdeen Daily Journal" Office
"Ėpokha napoleonovskikh voĭn--li︠u︡di, sobytii︠a︡, idei" : Komitet po kulʹture Moskvy, GUK g. Moskvy Muzeĭ-panorama "Borodinskai︠a︡ bitva"
"Friends of Europe" publications. Friends of Europe
"Groningen." J.C. Mekel
"Mooi Groningen." H.H. Fongers
"Peace aims" pamphlet. [National Peace Council]
"Pro Alesia." [Armand Colin] 0244-6685
"Review" Yugoslav-Croatian. Free Europe Press
"Sekai Seinen no Fune hōkokusho. Sōmuchō Seishōnen Taisaku Honbu
"Svoe" i "chuzhoe" v kulʹture narodov Evropeĭskogo Severa : Izd-vo Petrozavodskogo universiteta
"The Red book,"
"Vpered" i "Proletariĭ", pervye bolʹshevistkie gazety 1905 goda. Gos. izd-vo
'30-'50 : bulletin de nouvelles du Centre de recherches et d'études historiques de la seconde guerre mondiale. Le Centre 0772-120X
'Mar oceana : revista del humanismo espaänol e iberoamericano. Asociaciâon Francisco Lâopez de Gâomara 1134-7627
's-Gravenhage :
-french Affairs Series.
... Årsbok. Almquist and Wiksells boktryckeri-aktiebolag
... El Año político ... Impr. de R. Rajas
... Peace aims documents. [The National Peace Concil]
... Report of the Rules Commitee / Printed at the Srinagar Govt. Press
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 1 of 1005