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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 2 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
... Studies in history.
1066 Commemoration series. The Association
14 dekabri︠a︡ 1825 g. Nestor
168 óra : a Magyar Rádió és a Telegraf Kft. közéleti hetilapja Telegraf Kft 0864-8581
1848 : Société d'histoire de la Révolution de 1848
1914 : Morawe & Scheffelt
20 century British history. Oxford University Press 0955-2359
20th century history review. Philip Allan 1746-6512
21 shi ji Zhongguo wen hua di tu = Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she
21st century Afro review. IAAS Publishers, Inc. 1074-9144
22 days in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. John Muir Publications ; 1058-6016
3. Welt Magazin. Progress Dritte Welt 0002-0362
80-nendai no Nitchū kankei : Ti Ē Shī Kikaku
8th AF news : The Society
99 : revija slobodne misli / Asocijacija nezavisnih intelektualaca Krug 99. Asocijacija nezavisnih intelektualaca KRUG 99 1512-522X
A bis Z. Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen 0563-0908
A Bulletin of the Directorate of Archaeology, West Bengal. West Bengal Govt. press 0511-5221
A Calendar of coming meetings of interest to historians. Eastern States Historical Clearing House 0008-073X
A catalogue of the manuscripts relating to Wales in the British Museum.
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 2 of 1005