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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 137 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Borec. Zavod Borec 0006-7725
Borneo research bulletin. Borneo Research Council 0006-7806
Bornholmske samlinger. Colbergs Eftf. Bogtrykkkeri
Borthwick Institute bulletin. University of York 0305-9898
Borthwick texts and calendars : records of the northern province. University of York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research 0305-8506
Bort︠s︡y. Pavel Umov (Nevi︠e︡rov)
Borʹba. M. Antonow, etc 0826-7073
Bosphorus news. Bible House
Bosporskie issledovanii︠a︡ = Krymskoe otdelenie Instituta vostokovedenii︠a︡ im. A.E. Krymskogo NAN Ukrainy
Bosporskiĭ sbornik. Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ arkheologicheskiĭ t︠s︡entr "ARKhĖ"
Boston University papers in African history. Boston University Press
Boston University papers on Africa. Boston University Press 0524-1332
Botany news / The Department
Bote der russischen Revolution : D. Auvermann
Botswana focus.
Botswana notes and records. Botswana Society 0525-5090
Bottin mondain. Didot-Bottin
Bourgogne, Morvan, Nivernais, Lyonnais. Hachette
Boyd's directory of Salem and Gloucester counties, New Jersey : C.E. Howe
Bō-Chō Shidankai zasshi. Kokusho Kankōkai
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 137 of 1005